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Mutual funds are legal entities that are separate from the asset management company. Therefore, SCB Asset Management Co., Ltd. (referred from here onwards as "SCBAM") is not liable to compensate for any losses the mutual funds may incur. As such, the operating performance of mutual funds is not dependent on the financial status or operating performance of the asset management company.
Investments in unit trusts differ from cash deposits and they involve investment risks. The investor may receive a resulting amount which could be more or less than the original principal invested. In extraordinary circumstances, the investor may not be able to receive proceeds from a redemption within the usual specified timeframe or the redemption may not be executed as instructed.
Investments contain risks; the investor is advised to examine the prospectus and tax manual applicable to investments in long-term equity mutual funds or retirement mutual funds and understand the conditions before making an investment decision. Retain such materials for future reference. Should you require additional information, you may request a prospectus containing the fund scheme from the office of the asset management company or the distribution agents appointed by the asset management company.
Past performance of funds is not a guarantee of future return prospects.
The Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC)'s approval for the establishment and management of mutual funds whose details are shown in the prospectus on this website does not imply that the SEC committee or the Office of the SEC endorses the accuracy of the information in the prospectus, nor support the underwriting price of the unit trusts in any way.
The investor should ensure that the distribution agent of the unit trusts is approved by the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) and should request to examine the identification card of the agent, which is issued by the SEC.
The asset management company may invest in securities or assets for its own investment accounts similar to those invested for funds under its management. As such, potential mutual fund investors may inquire to know what securities or assets the asset management company invest in, by requesting that information from the office of the asset management company or any distribution agent appointed by the asset management company or from the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC).
The asset management company permits its staff to invest in securities for their own personal accounts, but require compliance with ethical standards and applicable announcements and guidelines that are issued by the Association of Investment Management Companies. This also requires disclosure to the asset management company in order to ensure compliance and monitoring of staff's securities dealing activities.
Investors may monitor proxy voting decisions and the exercise of voting rights via disclosure that the asset management company maintains at its premises or through the www.scbam.com website.
Investors may examine information which could effect their investment decisions, such as related party transactions with connected persons or reports on portfolio investment weightings of fund schemes, at the Office of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) or on the internet or the website of the SEC (http://www.sec.or.th).
Fund performance figures appearing on this website is in accordance to the fund performance measurement standard guidelines of the Association of Investment Management Companies.
Dissemination of information and documents, including computer programs to calculate investment returns as featured on this website, is provided by the asset management company in good faith based on information that is believed to be reliable. This is only intended for the benefit and convenience investors. However, the asset management company cannot endorse or guarantee its accuracy, completeness, or the integrity of the documents or computer program, regardless of situation. As such, if the investor wishes to use the information, documents, or computer program furnished on the website for any purpose, the investor should exercise caution and/or use additional information from other sources to help support their decision.
The asset management company reserves all rights with regards to information, documents or computer programs appearing on this website. Others are prohibited from disseminating, re-creating, duplicating, amending, copying, distributing, or using it as reference, either in part or in full, or through any means, without receiving approval from the asset management company.
The asset management company, its management and staff reserves all rights that they will not be liable or responsible for any damages which may stem from the information or communication system deployed by users of the website or client, that may result from the use of this website.
The asset management company reserves the right to edit, update, or amend contents of the website without prior notice.
Term Funds
FC Group