Change of Estimated Yield of SCBCP3M56

27 February 2024

          As SCB Asset Management Company Limited (SCBAM) has set the initial offering period (IPO) of SCB Capital Protection 3M56 (SCBCP3M56) during 22 – 29 February 2024 with estimated yield 2.00% per year.  

          ​SCBAM would like to inform the change of estimated yield to be 2.05% per year as following details:

Target investments Credit rating of instrument/issuer  Estimated Investment Proportion Estimated yield from instrument* 
 (per year)
Estimated to receive principal + returns from investment 
(per year)
National rating International rating
Government Bond/Central Bank Bond/Treasury Bill - Japan   F1+ (FITCH) 32.00% 2.30% 32.74%
Government Bond/Central Bank Bond/Treasury Bill - Singapore   F1+ (FITCH) 24.00% 2.20% 24.53%
Government Bond/Central Bank Bond/Treasury Bill - China   F1+ (FITCH) 25.00% 2.20% 25.55%
Government Bond/Central Bank Bond /Treasury Bill - Thailand AAA**   19.00% 2.15% 19.41%
Total 100.00%   102.23%
Expenses deduction (Approximately) ** 0.18%
Principal + Estimated yield that unitholders will receive from auto-redemption (per year) 102.05%


- Instruments considered to be invested by the Fund has been passed a process of credit risk analysis, however, there still be some event risks arising from changes in unexpected events which has a significant effect on an operating policy of bond issuer.
* Estimated returns adjusted by currency swap points. Swap data from Bloomberg as of 27 February 2024
** Credit rating of Government Bond/Bank of Thailand Bond/Treasury Bill offered in Thailand is AAA.
A) The Management Company reserves its right to alter the invested assets or investment ratio only when it is deemed necessary and reasonable to preserve the benefits of investors. In this regard, the alteration as such shall not significantly change the risks of invested assets. The Management Company may consider investing in other debt instruments instead and/or other additional assets from instruments specified above, such instruments will be under the investment policy of the Fund. The estimated rate of returns of the instruments invested may be changed, such changes may cause unitholders not receiving the estimated rate of returns.
b) Reserve the right to change the expenses of the Fund.
The Fund’s expenses (management fee included) can be changed as appropriate, in the event that the Fund receives a higher returns than what was disclosed during IPO, the Management Company may charge an additional management fee, provided that it does not exceed the maximum management fee rate specified in the Project.
c) Reserve the right to disclose investment portfolios.
The Management Company will disclose the investment portfolio and investment proportion to estimate returns to unitholders in Fund Fact Sheet and Fund Information Prospectus before the IPO period.
- In the case where investment units are sold in full according to Fund size specified in the Project and/or offering investment units in excess of the amount specified above and using full green shoe (if any) or only in part during IPO period. The Management Company reserves the right to close the offering of investment units and register the assets as mutual funds before the end of IPO period.


          For more information, please contact our Client Relations 02-777-7777 during business days between 08.30 to 17.00.


Announced on 27 February 2024
SCB Asset Management Company Limited


Suggested Fund






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