Awards & Ranking

Certificate of Membership 2023, Companies of Thailand's Private Sector Collective Action Coalition Against Corruption

By Thai Private Sector Collective Action Against Corruption (CAC)

The Asset Benchmark Research Awards 2023: Top Investment House, Asset Manager Thailand (Rank 2)

By The Asset (HK)

The Asset Benchmark Research Awards 2023: Most Astute Investor, Thai Baht Bond (Rank 2)

Winner: Miss Mayura Tinthanasan, Executive Director, Fixed Income Investment Group
By The Asset (HK)

The Asset Benchmark Research Awards 2023: Most Astute Investor, Thai Baht Bond (Highly Commended)

Winner: Mr. Varoon Boonrumluektanom, Director, Head of Alternative Strategies Department, Fixed Income Investment Group
By The Asset (HK)

The Asset Benchmark Research Awards 2023: Most Astute Investor, Thai Baht Bond (Highly Commended)

Winner: Mr. Peeravit Limdeachapun, Associate Director, Rate Strategies Department, Fixed Income Investment Group
By The Asset (HK)

Alpha Southeast Asia Fund Management Awards 2023

Winner: Best Asset Manager (Index Funds) in Thailand
By Alpha Southeast Asia (HK)
